Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh God!

Well it's been far far far too long since I've posted anything here.  So here's the news.  I'll put up some fresh photos later tonight, if time allows.

-- We've moved into a house in dirty D.C.!  Well, Gabby and Trevor and Eleena (our photographer) have moved in.  Ian will be moving in as soon as he's not a broke-ass fool living in his mom's house.  We had Thanksgiving there with a bunch of friends and family.  Good times for all!

-- We have a bass player!  Everybody make Patches Mitchell feel at home.  Just because he's a pescetarian doesn't mean he isn't awesome.  You should see the bass he plays.  Whooooo billy it's tits!

-- You may have seen us featured on's "Talks with Tier."  Thanks a million to Tier and Natalia and Co. for having us on your show, it was too fun.  Check us out by clicking here!  Featured on the show are two of our previously unrecorded songs, "City Girl" and "Screaming" (should be posted soon).

-- Ian just farted and it kind of stinks.

-- Trevor had an old injury come back to haunt him.  A while back, he got hit in the eye with a paintball.  After lots of rocking and rolling, he managed to detach his retina.  He's had surgery, but he's stuck with an eyepatch and bandages for now.  Too bad our bass player came pre-equipped with the nickname "Patches," it makes it a lot harder to come up with nicknames for Trevor.  (In an amusing coincidence, Patches also hurt his eye and had a patch on for a while.  So our rhythm section was functioning with two good eyes and two great eye patches.)

-- We want to play YOUR parties.  Shoot an e-mail our way if you're hosting a holiday bash, we'll give it the punch it needs... whether its the kind of punch we slipped a handle of vodka into or the kind of punch that makes your nose bleed.

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